Our Leadership
CDFU is governed by a Board of Directors with rotating 2-year term seats elected annually by its membership. Directors are experienced commercial fishermen from Prince William Sound communities, and dedicated board seats represent different gear groups.
Core to CDFU mission is the goal to see all PWS fishermen and fisheries thrive. Because of this there is one rule at the board table that guides how we build consensus for organizational decisions: CDFU is non-allocative. Board-led committees tackle gear-group and fisheries specific issues with membership, reporting up to the full Board of Directors and requesting action as necessary.
The Board is supported by staff in Cordova, Anchorage, and also Juneau during the Legislative Session.
The Board of Directors
Ezekiel Brown
Seine and Shellfish Fisherman | F/V Lucid Dream -
Dennis Zadra
First Vice President
Drift Gillnet Fisherman | F/V Raging Bull -
Michael Hand
Second Vice President
Seine Fisherman | F/V Seaview -
Hayley Fleming
Drift Gillnet Fisherman | F/V Nellie Juan -
Steven Swartzbart
Director At Large
Drift Gillnet Fisherman | F/V Alpine -
Darin Gilman
Drift Gillnet Seat
Drift Gillnet and Groundfish Fisherman | F/V Redline -
phyllis Shirron
Drift Gillnet Seat
Drift Gillnet Fisherman | F/V Cape Fear -
Forest Jenkins
Setnet Seat
Eshamy District -
Mike Meints
Seine Seat
Seine Fisherman
F/V Morning Star -
Makena O'Toole
Groundfish/Shellfish Seat
Groundfish, Crab, Shrimp, Seine and Drift Gillnet Fisherman | F/V Freyja Dawn -
Marc Carrel
Groundfish/Shellfish Seat
Drift Gillnet and Groundfish Fisherman | F/V Silver Moon -
Ron Blake
Herring Seat
Herring Fisherman | F/V Ace

Board nominations are open year round, and close the end of August. Ballots are released in September, with new board members seated at the October meeting.
The CDFU Board of Directors meets monthly October - May in the CDFU office and on videoconference. CDFU members are welcome to attend. There is a standing agenda item for member comment.
Kelsey Hayden
Operations Director and SERVS Fishing Vessel Administrator
Kelsey is a born and raised Cordovan with family ties in Valdez. Kelsey graduated the University of Alaska with a Bachelors in Liberal Studies, and came home as quick as she could. She has been supporting fishermen from the Union Hall office in Cordova since 2011. Originally hired to administer the SERVS contract, Kelsey’s role has expanded to include many hats; program manager, membership coordinator, and now overseeing all of the leadership and financial operations of the organization. Kelsey has a seat on the City of Cordova’s Fisheries Committee, and volunteers extensively within the community on various boards and commissions.
Hannah Heimbuch
Policy Director
Hannah is a third generation Alaska commercial fisherman, and CDFU's Policy Director. She brings more than a decade of experience in Alaska and U.S. fisheries policy and professional communications. Hannah grew up fishing with her parents, starting in Prince William Sound's Main Bay at 5 years old. Today, she owns and operates a setnet site on the Southend of Kodiak Island. Hannah has worked with fisheries organizations across the State, and today sits on the boards of the North Pacific Fisheries Association, Seafood Harvesters of America, and United Fishermen of Alaska as an at-large board member. Outside of salmon season, she lives in Palmer, AK.