CDFU is a 501(c)(5) nonprofit strengthening commercial fishing in the Prince William Sound region by advocating for the needs of community-based fishermen. Since 1935, we have represented fishermen and their families for thriving fisheries that sustain regional ecosystems, communities, and ways of life - ensuring they are well informed, resourced, and mobilized to affect positive change for all harvesters in the region.
We represent and advocate on behalf of over 900 commercial fishermen and their families who harvest the sustainable wild resources of Alaska’s Area E waters, which includes Prince William Sound, the Copper River flats and the northern-central Gulf of Alaska. We do this by promoting safety at sea, legislation, conservation, management and general welfare for the mutual benefit of all members.
We know we are strongest together. Our board represents experienced commercial fishermen from different gear groups and Prince William Sound communities. Board-led committees empower gear-specific issues without compromising goals to see all PWS fishermen and fisheries thrive.

History of Cordova District Fishermen United
CDFU’s roots are as a former trade union: the Cordova District Fisheries Union was founded in 1935, charted under the International Fishermen and Allied Workers of America. The union had jurisdiction over commercial fishermen, beach gangs, and all floating cannery equipment operators and crews - from Icy Bay to Seward.
Many successes were held in those years. Changing with the times and wanting to maintain representation of commerical fishermen of Area E, in 1983 the union transformed into Cordova District Fishermen United - the group we are today: a 501(c)(5), able to provide fishermen with political representation and maintain non-profit tax status.
Photos © CDFU. Video © Ed Bilderback.