Board of Fish
2025 Statewide Shellfish, PWS Shrimp and Supplemental Board of Fish
March 11th - 16th - Anchorage Alaska
CDFU Board members will be in attendance at the upcoming Board of Fish in Anchorage. Review our submitted proposals below, and find out more info on the BOF website.
Join us for a Member Gathering during the Board of Fish Meeting
March 11th, 6:30 pm
Tent City Taphouse (upstairs).
Board of Fish meeting recap
The 2024 PWS meeting would not have had any celebratory outcomes benefitting the entire fleet without the hard work by CDFU member-fishermen. CDFU’s work is funded by member dues. If any BOF outcomes benefit your business, please support our continued work through an annual membership.
Results: groundfish + shellfish Proposals 1-43
We are celebrating actions that mean:
An extended season for sablefish
No personal use sablefish fishery
The removal of closed waters to pot gear
Boats being able to use hooks and pots at the same time
Repealing the closed waters for PWS Tanner crab fisheries
Repealing the ineffective Tanner crab harvest management strategy in place that would never have resulted in fishing opportunity, and a commitment from the Department to open test fisheries
Reopening the Dungeness crab subsistence fishery in 2025. If abundance is evident, this gives the potential for a commercial fishery in 2026
A directed octopus fishery
Results: copper river salmon Proposals 51-53
Make time to thank CDFU fishermen who are able to be in Cordova at the Prince William Sound meeting fighting for the best possible outcome for the early commercial closure threats outlined in proposals 51-53.
The Board of Fish’s focus to create chinook protections in this meeting was crystal clear by Monday evening. From direct and personal discussions with BOF members early in the week, it was also clear that BOF members would not budge from voting in favor of passing these restrictive proposals, due to missing king escapement goals in two and possibly three of the last five years. Initial considerations by the BOF were to pass proposal 51 either as written or with a BOF driven amendment to close early season commercial openers until June 1 - despite overwhelming opposition.
CDFU fishermen relentlessly worked with BOF members to turn this around and convey how important it is to preserve early openers, maintain management flexibility, and ensure the conservation of kings is a shared burden across user groups. The result is tough - but because of CDFU member efforts we were able to negotiate a season start after May 21 along with severe paired restrictions on the personal use dipnet fishery.
What a win! The BOF passed proposals that support our harvestable herring populations and regulatory language to more effectively manage a fishery, including adding Kayak Island as a district into the plan. Permit holders can now harvest herring for their own use as bait.
RESULTS: Anti-Hatchery Defeated!
Proposal 78 failed 5-1, with lone Member Zuray voting in support of 25% reduction. During Miscellaneous Business at the end of the meeting, the Board of Fish passed a motion to address the multitude of hatchery reduction proposals over the years. BOF proposals concerning hatchery egg take goals will only be taken up by the Board of Fish at Statewide Finfish in-cycle meetings.
results: Main Bay Hatchery
Proposals 79-81 all addressed Main Bay operations. The Board passed PWSAC’s proposal 81 with substitute language by Member Carpenter in RC134 that would prohibit sport fishing within 200 feet of the barrier seine.
Here’s what has our attention, at a glance.
CDFU’S slate of positions represents a strong future for fishermen and a resilient regional economy built with good science, a shared burden of conservation and fair opportunity for all user groups, productive hatcheries, and adaptable management to create and sustain more small-scale, low-impact fisheries.
Read our written public comments here.
Read them here.
In their comment portal by 11:59pm Tuesday, November 26.
Find your way to the official BOF website here.
Check out Cordova’s specifically BOF week travel and entertainment guide here.
What is the Board of Fish?
The State Board of Fisheries (BOF) was established under Alaska Statute to conserve and develop Alaska’s fishery resources. The board creates and amends policy decisions for Alaska commercial, subsistence, sport, and personal use fishing regulations for management.
The Board is comprised of seven members who serve three year terms. These members are appointed by the Governor, then approved through committees in the State Legislature before being seated to the board.
Many proposals to the BOF affect fishing area, time, method and allocation. Your engagement is crucial to your fishery.
CDFU participates at all BOF meetings and works directly with regional fishermen to empower Area E public comments and proposals.

Dates to know for area e
Proposal Book
The 2024/2025 Board of Fisheries Proposal Book was published September 3.
Excerpt: Prince William Sound and Upper Copper/Upper Susitna Finfish and Shellfish (except shrimp) Proposals
PWS WRITTEN Comments Due
November 26
Comments will be included in the materials provided to BOF members for review and consideration ahead of the December meeting when proposals are deliberated.
BOF PWS Meeting
December 10-16
Board of Fisheries, ADFG and participants will arrive in Cordova on December 8 and 9 and stay through the 17th. The Prince William Sound and Upper Copper/Upper Susitna Finfish and Shellfish (except shrimp) meeting will be held in the Cordova Center.
Guide to Cordova Booklet
In this Guide to Cordova (specific to Board of Fish week) you’ll find important info about the meeting as well as resources for local restaurants and businesses that have committed to being well-staffed, well-stocked, and prepared to welcome you warmly to where PWS commercial fishing all began. Click below for the digital version, complete with links to businesses, special events, hours, and more!
Travel and Lodging
Coming to Cordova for Board of Fish? We’ve compiled a list of options for a quick way to make your plans.
Additional help can be provided by the Cordova Chamber of Commerce.
Alaska Marine Highway
(Aurora back in service 12/16)
Chinook Auto Rental
(Also the airport shuttle)
Events and Vendors
Cordova has unbeatable hospitality, and this is a great opportunity to show off the best of Cordova and give the best guest experience!
Guide to Cordova booklet
BOF meeting attendees will receive a booklet that is an all-in-one guide to Cordova. Host a special event, offer a class, or feature your business in the booklet by sending us an email below.
Food + Event vendors
Looking to be more up close and personal?
Book a food and/or vendor space at the Cordova Center during the meetings for a catered experience that will leave a GREAT taste in their mouth… literally.
Vendors can book 1 of 3 spaces in the upper atrium to sell their wares or have an information table to educate and inform.
You have the option to rent the kitchen or a table under the stairs (with no kitchen access). Slots will be available in 3 hour increments for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Costs of slots will cover the cost of CDFU booking the space. You will be responsible for selling your items.

Participating in public process can seem daunting.
We are one fleet and CDFU is here to help!